Addressing the Global Climate Crisis in Your Classroom – Curso grátis, online | 8 nov2021

Boa tarde.

Divulgamos aqui uma oportunidade de formação online numa temática muito atual, que poderá interessar a professores de todas as áreas.

Como abordar a crise climática global na sua sala de aula permitirá uma perspetiva multidisciplinar em qualquer nível de ensino.

Divulgem nas vossas escolas/organizações.


New MOOC on Teacher Academy 8/11 a 15/12/2021

Addressing Global Climate Crisis in Your Classroom

Toda a informação AQUI

Certificação em Portugal possível através do CCPFC (veja abaixo).


1.               Why 

Europeans are very concerned about climate change and support actions across the EU to tackle it. However, public perceptions of the risk posed by the climate crisis and its human-caused nature vary between people and countries.  

In order to address the topic of climate crisis with their students, teachers need at least a basic understanding of the science behind the changing climate. Climate science is a multidisciplinary phenomenon linking organically to all school subjects. This makes it challenging for educators to effectively bring it into their classrooms but also offers tremendous opportunities. Strengthening the climate science literacy of the learners can provide a sound foundation to develop their relevant awareness and possibly cause new lifestyle behaviours. 

2.               What 

The course offers a systemic approach to the topic and inspires participants with relevant educational practices. In four modules participants will be provided with a brief overview of some key concepts and evidence essential for engaging with their students about the topic. The focus will be on the ways participants can introduce the topic of the climate crisis in the classroom across disciplines by approaching it not only within the domain of science but also looking at the social dimensions of it. As a conclusion of the course, they will be asked to turn this knowledge and all the ideas the course has generated into action: how would they shape their classroom project to address the climate crisis? Additionally, three live events are organised as part of this course. 

The course is organised around the principle of peer learning, with course content designed to stimulate reflection and discussion so that participants can learn from each other’s experiences and ideas. In order to complete the course, participants are required to submit a final course product and review their peers’ work. To facilitate peer learning, a closed Facebook group has been set up which is available here: 

3.               Who 

Anybody is welcome to join the course, but it is targeted at teachers and other educational professionals at all levels and of all subjects, who have an interest in the topic. 

The language of communication is English.

You can follow the course at your own pace. The only deadline you need to pay attention to is for the final peer-assessment activity.

To get the most out of the course, you can join the course Facebook group or share your thoughts on Twitter using the hashtag #TeachingClimateCrisis.

4.               When 

This course starts on Monday 8 November but registrations are already open on the course page. The course lasts for 5,5 weeks: during the first four weeks, one new module opens every Monday. The deadline for the final assignment is Wednesday, 15 December. The estimated workload is 3 hours per week. 

5.               Where 

The course is offered on the School Education Gateway Teacher Academy and available through the following link: 


To enrol, participants need to create an account on the School Education Gateway if they do not have one already, or log in with their eTwinning account. 

6.               Certification 

Participants will receive a digital course badge and certificate upon completion of the full course. The badge can be exported to the Badger Backpack. 

Aviso aos professores de Portugal:

Para obter o reconhecimento formal da participação bem sucedida num curso da School Education Gateway como desenvolvimento profissional contínuo, adquirindo assim o número de horas de formação relevante, deve enviar o seu certificado para o Conselho Científico e Pedagógico de Formação Contínua (CCPFC), Rua do Forno, nº 30, 1º andar – apartado 2168, 4700 – 429 Braga, Portugal. Isto apenas se aplica a cursos com uma duração estimada de, pelo menos, 12 horas. Para mais informações, por favor contactar o CCPFC.


A equipa KA1 – Ensino Escolar

Views: 16

Fátima Peixoto